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The Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn energy has been extremely heavy. It is so important right now for you to take the time to nurture yourself during this crucial time. It is all to easy be falling into the trap of having to work harder as things are falling apart and falling away. We often find ourselves struggling to hold onto the old even when, and if we can see it is no longer in alignment. We can find comfort in what is familiar and it can feel like it is easier to hang on and fight for it although that may not necessarily be in our best interest. The energy we are experiencing right now is an energy of extreme change and with that comes the unknown. The pressure and fear of uncertainty rises up and can often bring us to a place of deep seeded fears, doubts and insecurities.
We have been experiencing quite the upheavals and unexpected drastic shifts and changes for quite some time now. 2020 is the year when we shift from that energy of release to the energy of building for the future. Building what will be the future that is in alignment with who we are now. In order to do this we have had to experience the destruction of what is no longer in alignment, this can be extremely challenging and often brings chaos, confusion and uncertainty with it. This is not an easy transit, it is not meant to be, it’s forcing us out of our comfort zone so that we can align with our life’s purpose and experience reaching our full potential in this life time.
Capricorn is a house of status, reputation, & career. It is an earth energy of cultivating for future harvest that will bring stability and security into our physical realm for the future. It is to bring in what will sustain us for years to come. Having Pluto, the planet of destruction, in this area, is here to break down and destroy what no longer serves so that we can build a new foundation of what will be our destiny in this life time. Pluto deconstructs to reconstruct. What this is forcing us to do is to get in alignment with our destiny in this lifetime. Pluto is here to assist with creating that shift, more often then not, through abrupt change. Something is there one minute and gone the next. That does not necessarily mean totally gone, never to be seen again, although it could. It means something wasn’t solid & it got taken down or away for transformation to occur. When the dust settles and you can see clearly, you can begin to move forward, building something that will be solid and long lasting.
Saturn has been in this same area as well. Saturn is our teacher, it can and it will restrict us until we learn what we are meant to learn from the experience. Saturn is a heavy restrictive energy, that assists us in growth through experiences that force us to put in the work, learn the lessons and experience the growth as a result of it. Saturn is also about time, and the time is now to release all the unnecessary so that we can move forward into a solid, stable future that is our destiny in this world. This energy is shifting us to release what may have been a part of our life for quite some time. It is liberating us from the old to bring forth a new way of doing things and/or a new way if being for the future. What we are about to experience is something that we have never experienced in this lifetime and that is our true purpose and destiny in this lifetime. You can gain additional as to what area of your life is most impacted by checking your natal chart.
So while this is a challenging time for many, this is also a time of liberation so that we can collect all the treasures that have stood the test of time and move forward into a more stable, secure, and abundant future.
Sending you an abundance of love and light. ~ Penny